Leave Requests

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Employees use this feature to add, update, delete and submit leave request details.

Submit Leave Request

To submit a Leave Request:

1.Click the Start Date looking glass button.

The Calendar window will open.

Click on the start date.

The Calendar window will close and you will be returned to the Leave Request window.

2.Click on the End Date looking glass button.

The Calendar window will open.

Click on the end date.

The Calendar window will close and you will be returned to the Leave Request window.

2.Click on the Display Results button.

3.Click on the Job Number/Service ID looking glass and select the appropriate job.

4.Click on the Cost Code looking glass and select the correct cost code.

5.Click on the Pay Code looking glass and select the correct pay code.

6.Fill in the time that will be missed on those days.

7.Click on the note pad beside the days and submit a reason.

8.Click on the Save button.

9.Click the Submit button.

A confirmation message will be displayed