Assign Delegates

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To assign or un-assign Employees or Managers to/from a Delegate.

Assign Delegates

1.From the Delegates list box, double click on the Delegate.

The window will refresh and display two list windows.


2.In the Employees Available to be Added window, check off Employees to be added the selected Delegate.

3.Click the Insert (>>) button.

The records will be moved to the Employees Currently Assigned to the Delegate list.

Un-assign Delegates

1.From the Delegates list box, double click on the Delegate.

The window will refresh and display two list windows.

2.In the Employees Currently Assigned to the Delegate window, check off Employees to be removed.

3.Click the Remove (<<) button.

The record will be moved to the Employees available to be added list.

@ Additional Information

Employees can be assigned to multiple Delegates.